
Manage Campaigns with Automated Pledge Tracking

Pledge Tracking Can Help your Campaigns be More Successful

Pledge campaigns are a great way to raise extra funds for your ministry’s special projects and goals, for example: a mission trip, funds for a new roof, a new building, or starting a new community outreach.

Without the right tools, it can be overwhelming to try to manage pledge funds on top of managing your general weekly and monthly contributions. On the other hand having the right tools, can help you make your pledge campaign more successful.

Adding Pledge Accounts and People

Managing pledging is very easy in Servant Keeper. Simply add a new pledge account, and establish the amount of money that the new pledge campaign needs to raise. (For example: New Building Fund  — $100,000).

Then, as your pledges come in, you can add the person or family who has pledged, and their amount they want to give.

There may be scenarios where you want a basic starting pledge for an entire group. For example, maybe everyone who signs up to go on a mission trip is pledging to give an equal amount towards their travel expenses. In this case, you can easily add your entire group “This Year’s Mission Team,” and assign them all the same starting pledge.

Now you’re better prepared to start managing your campaign and working towards a set financial goal for your ministry.

Servant Keeper Does the Math for You

When you launch a pledge campaign, you may be asking people to pledge one lump sum, or you may be asking them to commit to a repeating pledge of a specific amount on a regular basis (for example, Deacon John pledges to give $25 towards the building fund each Sunday for the next 3 months).

When you’re entering a repeating pledge, Servant Keeper will do the math for you to determine the full amount of the pledge. Entering Deacon John’s pledge from the example above will automatically let you know that over 3 months, he is pledging to give a total sum of $300. This is a time saver that can really add up quickly as you add more pledges.

Then, as donations come in, Servant Keeper can calculate in real time where a donor stands in their individual pledges as well as where the pledge campaign stands in percentages and total amounts.

Servant Keeper automatically calculates pledges for you

Tracking and Encouraging Success

One key to a successful pledge campaign is regular communication with those who pledge. Letting ministry members know where they stand on their pledge individually, as well as where your ministry stands on reaching its overall goal, can help people to give faithfully and cheerfully.

Servant Keeper makes it easy to view individual pledge statuses, and share those individually with each person who has pledged. This information can be found or included:

  1. On their donor statements.
  2. On their personal, password protected online member profiles (when you have Servant PC Cloud).
  3. In a personal email.
  4. And on reports you create to be seen only by certain members of your ministry team.

On donor statements, letters, and emails, Servant Keeper can easily merge pledge amounts for an individual, for any groups, or for your entire congregation. This means, you can quickly select a group you’ve created of people who completed their pledge, then merge them into a letter that includes their individual pledge amounts, and total donations towards that pledge.

graph tracking pledge contributions

On a donor’s online profile, they are able to view their pledge status at any time. Then, directly from their online profile, they are able to give to a designated fund.

For internal reports, it’s easy to get a list of everyone who has met their pledge, and conversely you can see who may need some encouragement to meet their pledge.

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