
5 Ways Our Mobile Ministry App Streamlines Your Ministry Work

As a pastor or church leader, you know firsthand what it takes to serve others and build relationships. You love the people you are ministering to, but the leg work necessary to keep track of everything can be overwhelming!

Take about 5 minutes today to see 5 ways to simplify your daily ministry work the Servant Keeper Mobile Ministry App.

1. Have One Less Thing to Remember When You Can Access Contacts From Anywhere!

Stop searching for that piece of scrap paper you jotted someone’s phone number on. No more reminders to email someone after the church secretary sends you their address. With Servant Keeper’s mobile ministry app, from wherever you are, you can contact members by text, call, or email right when you need to!

2. Build Stronger Connections with Personal Information (That You Need to Minister) Right at Your Fingertips

Building and maintaining strong personal connections in ministry requires a lot: remembering important info about a lot of people, and regularly reaching out and following up with people who are busy like you. With everything else you have going on, there are likely days where you feel as though you have neither the time, or the memory to complete either of these tasks well.

The Mobile Ministry app makes both of those tasks easy.

Contact Info: Always go to the correct house. Make sure all your letters reach them in the mail. Never write another phone number on the back of a bulletin. Reach out to people as soon as you think of it, and right when you need to.

Dates: Celebrate milestones with your members, and encourage their continued faithfulness and growth.

A few quick taps will show you important dates in a person’s life like: birthday, anniversary, baptized date, date of church membership, or any other date you want to track.

Notes: As a ministry leader, you take a lot of notes. Many notes are mundane. Others can be about very sensitive topics. Make sure not one note gets lost or is seen by the wrong eyes.

Take and view public and private notes directly on a person’s record. Private notes can be seen only by you, or to those you give specific permission.

Important Events: View important life events that you’ve tracked, like the passing of a loved one, for example. Or, as shown below, pull up a list of everyone who is having a specific important event in a given period of time (like all birthdays that month, for example).

Family Members: When you minister to any given person, you often are ministering to their family as well. This can mean remembering names and ages of kids or relatives you may not see very often. Keep all their records right at your fingertips, even if those family members are not regular attenders.

3. Spend More Time Doing the Ministry Work You Love! (Less time updating contacts).

With the Mobile Ministry App, when someone updates a record anywhere in your system, it’s automatically updated on your phone.

You can even choose to allow your members to update their own info through online member profiles.

4. Make Sure Nobody is Falling Through the Cracks with Touchpoint Tracking

Every interaction your ministry has with someone is important.

The Servant Keeper Mobile Ministry App will automatically log interactions you have with a member, such as texts, appointments, emails, letters sent through Servant Keeper, etc. Plus, you can create your own touchpoint any other interaction outside of Servant Keeper (running into someone at the store, receiving a gift for Pastor’s appreciation month, sending someone a sympathy card). The possibilities are endless.

5. Never Miss Another Appointment.

Schedule an appointment to meet with a member, or allow a secretary to schedule appointments for you and other members of your team. Bring up a list of appointments within any member’s profile, or bring up a list of all your upcoming appointments.

Simply tap to mark your appointment complete, and it is marked as a touch point under that member’s profile.

On your way to a home visit? A quick tap will bring up a Google map to the person’s address.

Take notes directly on your phone during the appointment; because you Servant Keeper is password protected, they’ll be much more secure than handwritten notes in a notebook. Make them public for other users, or private for just you, or shared with specific users.

Are you ready to save time and build deeper ministry relationships?
As you can see, the Mobile Ministry App will help you keep in touch with your congregation while you’re on the go. With just a few simple steps, you can make a big impact in the lives of your members!

Take a test drive today to try out everything the latest version of Servant Keeper has to offer!

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Amy Modzel
Marketing Manager
Created date
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