
See How Easy it Can be to Send Out Contribution Statements

Sending out contribution statements can take a lot of time.

With Servant Keeper, this can be a fast and easy task.

1. Select a date range – First, simply select a date range. In Servant Keeper, you can choose specific dates, or even preset time frames like last year, last quarter, last month and so on.

2. Choose a statement type – Next, decide which type of statement you want to send. Some of your options include:

  • Concise Statement
  • Detailed Statement
  • Canadian Receipt
  • Account Summary
  • Monthly Summary
  • A “Paper Saver” statement designed to cut down on printing.
  • And more!

3. Select your report sections – Depending on the statement you choose, you’ll have the option to choose what information you want to show on the statement.

For example, if you choose the detailed statement, you  can select to choose the pledge and or account summaries, transaction notes, and even check images.

4. Choose who will get the statements – You can choose:

  • To print for families or individuals.
  • For only selected individuals.
  • For only individuals of a certain member status or group.
  • Or even for those who hit a certain threshold of giving.

5. Customize to Fit Your Ministry – You can customize the titles and headings of your receipts to match your ministry’s culture, or legal requirements.

You can also add a quick statement message, known as an impact letter, that shows your appreciation and lets your donors know how their giving is impacting your ministry.

Then, for a professional look and feel, you can add your logo and signature to the statements as well.

6. Email or Print – You can save even more time and money by choosing to email your statements.

Servant Keeper also gives you the option to choose to print your statements for some donors, and email them to others based on their statement preference.

When you choose to print, statements are formatted to print and fit nicely into a windowed envelope, displaying the donors’ named and addresses. This eliminates the need for labels.

7. Members Print Their Own Statements – Save even more time by allowing members to print their own statements.

When you use Servant Keeper on the cloud, members can log into a secure member profile and choose to print their own statement.

See how simple it is in the video below.

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Amy Modzel
Marketing Manager
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