New Releases

Servant Keeper February Software Release

Welcome back! This month we’ve been busy, working on some major enhancements and features, coming very soon! But we’ve also managed to get some priority changes and fixes queued up. Here’s what you can expect to see in the updates on February 14th!

Servant Keeper 8.3.2

SK Contribution reports for desktop and Online Giving

  • We added the ability to add the pay type field on statements. This can be added to any detail style user statement.

SK Communications Email improvements

  • Added support to optimize images when added to your email. This reduces the overall image size and makes them compatible to upload and share.
  • Improved email sending when sending to a large number of recipients.

Online Giving Updates

We are executing an ongoing strategy to maintain the highest-possible level of security across Servant Keeper and our giving platform. This month, our team has specifically targeted the industry-wide challenge of “card testing”. We are on track to reduce this risk to near zero.

  • Limit giver payment methods. Giver cannot add more than 5 payment methods
  • Email verification. New givers will be required to verify their email

Bug Fixes

  • Squashed a bug that was related to login, causing the login to hang in certain cases
  • Require a password change for staff with passwords created with outdated encryption who have not logged into Online Giving previously.

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TJ Downes
Development Director
Created date
February 13, 2024
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