New Releases

Servant Keeper January Software Releases

As part of Servant Keeper’s commitment to engaging more with our partners, we’re starting to roll out a process to better communicate software releases to you. This includes bug fixes as well as new features and enhancements. Our goal is to communicate these releases to you before they happen, so you’ll be more aware of the changes you should expect in the next release. We value your feedback, so let us know if there’s more information we can provide!

Servant Keeper 8.3.1

Servant Keeper 8.3.1 will be released on January 17th. Here’s what you can expect in the next update!

New Features added to the Servant Keeper Communication System

  • Introducing the SK File Cloud! This system allows users to upload and store commonly used files for reuse as email attachments. These files can also be shared via links in SK Communications text messages.
  • Users can now cancel scheduled SK Communications messages. Note: Messages set to send immediately cannot be cancelled.
  • Improvements to the Servant Keeper Communications Platform worker services to improve system reliability.

SK Communications Email improvements

  • Added drag and drop image support for the SK Communications email body editor.
  • Improved email sending when sending to a large number of recipients.
  • Users can now manage bounced emails and clean up these bad addresses to avoid issues with email services.

SK Communications Text Message improvements

  • The SMS editor now supports copy and paste. Unsupported characters are removed automatically.

SK Contribution reports for desktop and Online Giving

  • Contribution statements now include support to show user paid fees for partners using Servant Keeper Online Giving.
  • Contribution listings now support including user paid fees.
  • Contribution statements take into account when transactions from Online Giving have been refunded or voided and do not show them on the statement.

Additional program updates and improvements.

  • Fixed issue when Contribution Manager would not load when using certain regional settings in windows.
  • Fixed issue where ‘Date Last Attended’ was not visible in individual profiles.
  • Fixed issue where some partners’ history data would not load when entering the family or individual history tab.
  • Fixed issues where the Individual List – Weekly attendance report would error out when running the report against a group.
  • Fixed issues related to Contributor Comparison with Counts Style 1 and Style 2 where the report would not filter correctly on the selected date range.
  • Fixed issues related to Groups with Touch Point criteria causing errors when used with reports.
  • Fixed issues where the profile address was unable to be cleared from the profile.
  • Fixed issues with Attendance reports DATE_FORMAT errors on local databases.
  • Fixed sorting issues on Contribution statements when sorting by Envelope #.
  • Fixed issue where the Servant Keeper Calendar was showing pink as the calendar color in dark mode.
  • Fixed loading issues with the Contribution listings when user paid fees are not included.
  • Fixed loading issues with history data.
  • Fixed an issue where some users could not remove the address from the profile.
  • Fixed an issue where the communication preview button was not enabled after only adding a picture to the email body.

Online Giving Update

On December 18th we rolled out a release for Online Giving. As you may have noticed, we included a couple of major features: Dashboard Insights and the Givers’ view. Let’s go over them briefly!

Dashboard Insights

When you log into Online Giving, you’ll notice the home screen has changed. It now defaults to the Dashboard. The Gifts view can now be accessed via the Gifts item on the navigation menu. This change made sense from a usability perspective. It gives you much of the information you need to see when you first log in, before you dig into the details

You can view the gifts for the past week, as well as scheduled gifts that will be processed in the next week. You can instantly know the number of givers, how many are active, and how many total gifts you have received.

These insights should provide you with a picture of the health of your giving, at a glance. Over time we hope to improve these insights, so please let us know what else might be useful for you here!


A feature that has been asked of us often is a list of givers, with the ability to view and send statements from Online Giving to the givers. We’re pleased to announce that this has been included in the latest release. You can select which givers to send statement information to, then click the “Send Statement Invite” button. These givers will receive an email with instructions on how to generate and save their statements.

Our next release of Online Giving, expected to be released on January 17th, will allow you to select a year for the Giver view, which shows the totals for the givers for the selected year. This will make it easier for you to determine who to select to send statement invites to!

Additionally, staff can go into a giver’s details and generate a statement for them, by clicking the “Print Statement” button, in the dropdown/kebab (…) menu on the toolbar!

Giver View
Giver Details
Giver Statement


Other Online Giving Fixes/Enhancements

  • Fixed bug where “Cover Fees” option was not showing on giver profile
  • Refunds and voids have been improved in the Gifts view
  • Prevent user from removing themselves from Staff Management, to prevent locking a partner out of Online Giving
  • Improve sorting by date on the Gifts view
  • New font is cleaner and easier to read
  • Layout improvements

author avatar
TJ Downes
Development Director
Created date
January 6, 2024
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