
What’s Going on Here?: Tips for Sharing and Promoting Ministry Activities to Encourage Greater Involvement

We recently hosted a webinar and shared a blog post about the importance of creating an effective strategy for your ministry planning and scheduling. Now that you’ve got planning down, what’s next? Communicating that plan to your members and your community so that they can join in, get involved, and grow with you!

It’s not just about having a calendar; it’s about making sure people know about it and feel compelled to engage with the events and activities you’ve planned. Here are some creative ways to communicate and share your ministry calendar effectively:

Website and Social Media: Leverage the power of digital platforms to reach a wider audience. Create a dedicated section on your church website where visitors can easily access and download the calendar. Additionally, utilize social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share upcoming events, along with engaging visuals and relevant hashtags to increase visibility across audiences of all ages.

Email Newsletters: Regularly send out email newsletters to your congregation and community members highlighting key events and activities listed on the ministry calendar. Include compelling descriptions, photos, and links for more information or registration. Consider segmenting your email list to tailor content based on specific interests or demographics.

Video Announcements: Record short video announcements featuring members of your ministry leadership team or volunteers discussing upcoming events and why they’re important. Share these videos on social media, during church services, or through email newsletters to add a personal touch and generate excitement.

Community Partnerships: Forge partnerships with local businesses, schools, and community organizations to cross-promote events listed on your ministry calendar. Display flyers or posters in high-traffic areas, collaborate on joint initiatives, or feature guest speakers or performers from the community to attract diverse audiences.

Creative Contests or Challenges: Organize fun contests or challenges related to events and ministry activity listed on the ministry calendar to spark interest and participation. For example, you could hold a photo contest during a community outreach event or a scripture memorization challenge leading up to a themed Bible study series.

Personal Invitations: Encourage members of your ministry to personally invite friends, family, and neighbors to upcoming events listed on the calendar. Provide them with invitation cards or digital templates they can share via email or social media, along with personalized messages expressing why they’re excited about the event.

Storytelling Campaigns: Share compelling stories or testimonials from individuals who have been impacted by past events or ministries featured on the calendar. Use these narratives in promotional materials, blog posts, or social media campaigns to illustrate the transformative power of your ministry’s work. For example, if you have a women’s retreat coming up this year, see if you can have some attendees from previous years share about the difference attending the conference made in their lives.

Event Teasers and Previews: Build anticipation for upcoming events by releasing teaser trailers, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, or exclusive previews. Use multimedia content such as videos, photos, or live streams to give audiences a taste of what to expect and encourage them to mark their calendars.

Feedback and Evaluation: Continuously gather feedback from attendees and participants to evaluate the effectiveness of your promotional efforts and the impact of events listed on the ministry calendar. Use this feedback to make improvements, tailor future promotions, and ensure ongoing engagement and attendance.

By implementing these creative promotion and sharing strategies, you can effectively communicate the value of your ministry calendar, engage your community, and inspire meaningful participation in your events and activities.

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TJ Downes
Development Director
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