
Using Servant Keeper Groups to Better Manage Ministry

Fast, Dynamic, and Smart – That’s a Servant Keeper Smart Group

One of the biggest benefits to using Servant Keeper to manage your ministry is the ability to create and use groups based on virtually any criteria you can dream up.

For example you can make a group of all children with allergies and show each child’s name, allergies, and emergency contact (is Sally allergic to peanuts?). Or, you could make a group of everyone who has a key to the church and show what key they have (does Jim have a master key?).  Examples are endless: choir, youth group, building committee, deacons, Sunday School teachers … and on and on.

Fortunately, managing these groups is easy because the groups in Servant Keeper are fast and dynamic.  This means they are at your finger tips and that as changes are made in your database your groups are automatically updated.

Search, Save, Then Pull up Again at Any Time
Think of a group in Servant Keeper as a search that you are able to assign a name and save.  You can then run that group from anywhere else in the Servant Keeper system to do everything from send a group email to printing a picture directory.

Automatically Updating Groups
When a group is open, Servant Keeper provides a real-time search of the entire database to find out who matches the group criteria at that moment.  This means if Jim signed up for the retreat in his online profile and updated his email address, he will automatically show up in the retreat group and the next time the retreat organizer sends out and email will go to his new email address!

a list of smart groups to choose from including choir

They are at your fingertips

The great thing about Servant Keeper groups is that they are accessible from anywhere in the program.

So if there is a group like the choir group, you can print out a picture directory of the choir, send an email to the choir, do a bulk mailing or see who attended choir practice.

Enhanced Communication

One of the biggest mistakes churches do is to send every email to everyone… after a while people stop reading your emails. Servant Keeper Groups alleviate this concern by helping you send targeted communication to segments of your church. For example, if I’m not a nursery worker, please don’t send me emails about the nursery worker meetings.  Or maybe John is moving across town so I want to run a group of everyone who lives near John, who has a truck, and who has the gift of Helps, and I’ll send them an email asking them to consider helping John move.

Easy to Build on any Criteria

Remember, the group can also be based on anything you can dream up, even calculated data such as age, graduation date, received donations, attendance, pledge status, and much more.  You can build a group of everyone who has met their pledge and send them a celebration letter.

For example, in this video, you’ll notice the grade-school based group, the youth group.

With the grade school criteria, the user can rest assured that when a child matures into or out of that group, the group will automatically be updated. This means that the youth pastor won’t have to scramble to figure out who is in the youth group when sending out communications, and is a particular help around the time of the new school year when kids are coming into or leaving the grades involved in youth group.

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Amy Modzel
Marketing Manager
Created date
Smart Groups
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